We aim to promote a collaborative, cooperative and transparent approach that balances the demands of commercial fisheries, regulators, and developers throughout the project’s life-cycle and we work collaboratively with government departments, fishing industry associations, offshore hydrocarbon exploration, conservation NGOs, and international research groups, as well as regional management organizations such as ICCAT, IOTC, SEAFO, SIOFA, SPRFMO and CCAMLR
Marine Stewardship Council
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) see is the leading global fishery standard used to certify fisheries as sustainable. CapMarine consultants, Dave Japp and Stewart Norman are certified assessors focusing on Principle 2 (ecosystems) and Principle 3 (management). The South African hake trawl fishery was first certified in 2004 and has recently had their certificate extended for a further 5-year period ( . CapMarine plays an important role with MSC in the region and has been directly involved in the assessments of the Namibian and South African hake fisheries as well as undertaking numerous Fish for Good pre-assessments. CapMarine is also engaged in the fishery improvement program (FIP) for the hake longline association (SAHLLA) ( Current projects include the Russian Pollock fisheries (Sea of Okhotsk and Western Bering Sea) lead by Dave, the PNA un-associated tuna fishery in the Western Central Pacific Ocean as well as the AGAC four-Oceans Tropical Tuna assessment.
Oil and Gas
In terms of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and commercial fisheries, CapMarine is able to develop and deliver tailored strategies for each project phase from site selection through to operation. We have been contracted to provide specialist assessments for over 100 projects within sub-Saharan Africa (most notably Angola, Namibia, South Africa and Mozambique). Our project list includes offshore hydrocarbon exploration, well-drilling, subsea and surface telecommunications infrastructure, research surveys and oceanographic monitoring equipment. In addition, in response to growing concern that man-made noise disturbance during offshore seismic exploration and infrastructure development may have an effect on marine life, in particular marine mammals and turtles, CapMarine offers services in training and deployment of Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs), Passive Acoustic Monitors (PAMs) and Fisheries Liaison Officers (FLOs),
IOTC Regional Observer Scheme
The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) adopted a Regional Observer Scheme (ROS) which has as its core objective: to collect verified catch data and other scientific data related to the fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species in the IOTC area of competence. The implementation of the ROS by IOTC CPCs (Contracting Parties and Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties) officially commenced on 1st July 2010, and is based entirely on national implementation. The current project, framed into the Pilot Project for the support of the IOTC ROS, seeks to promote the harmonisation of national observer schemes via the development of a full observer training program package (Co-ordinators and Field Observers), the production of updated manuals and data collection forms and protocols for the IOTC ROS, as well as the trialing of these tools and of IOTC ROS Electronic tools in the establishment of an observer program and training in voluntary CPCs. CapMarine represented by Stewart Norman and Philip Augustyn in association with SeaMore consulting, Teresa Athayde and CapFish, Chris Heinecken & Jan Wissema, is responsible for overseeing successful uptake of the new IOTC minimum requirements and sampling strategies in four participating countries. Kenya, Tanzania, Sri Lanka and Indonesia are all onboard, however due to the global COVID pandemic CapMarine has been forced to develop innovative online training materials using learning management systems. Validation site visits will be undertaken to close any knowledge or training gaps once theoretical training is completed.
Other Consultancies
CapMarine consultants provide professional fisheries consultancies nationally and regionally. Our work includes socio-economic assessments (squid, hake longline), Governance Baseline Assessments for the Benguela Current Commission (BCC), project development with the World Bank in Kenya and east Africa and many others. We work closely with the National Department of Fisheries (DFFE) and engage at scientific level in numerous working groups, including the Demersal, small pelagic, squid and tuna groups. Our professional personnel also undertake aquaculture-related work, including baseline assessments for Development Zones (ADZs) and innovative projects on Kelp Farming in southern Namibia as well as EIAs (fishery-specific) related to offshore developments for phosphate mining.