Marine Mammal Observers
CapMarine provides marine mammal monitoring for seismic and geophysical surveys to the oil and gas industry. Our MMO expertise amounts to over 8500 sea-days with over 30 sea-going Marine Mammal Observers (MMO), Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) and Fisheries Liaison Officers (FLO)
Marine Mammal Observers
CapMarine’s experienced team of Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) are accredited by JNCC and/or BOEM, and have undergone stringent training requirements. Selection is based on cumulative experience, relevant experience in the survey region, and leadership abilities. We have over 8000 sea-days of expertise deploying MMOs globally from Cape Town, South Africa, with a specialization in the Sub-Saharan African region.
PAM Operators
Passive Acoustic Monitors
CapMarine provides professional acoustic monitoring operators with extensive experience in PAM system installation and operation, and with our association with Seiche allows frequent re-training to keep pace with the fast-evolving technology and expanding knowledge base of underwater noise and marine mammal vocalizations. Training also covers underwater noise aspects, a background, and working knowledge of PAM hardware and software
Fisheries Liaison Officers
CapMarine provides a stationed Fisheries Liaison Officers (FLOs) on survey or guard vessels, with 24-hour standby to communicate directly with skippers and advise on suitable avoidance actions during interactions with the fishing industry. FLOs possess considerable experience on-board fisheries vessels and have practical knowledge of gear types and technical operations, with safety and restricted radiotelephone operator certificates as prerequisites.